Showing posts from October, 2020Show all
Why does water boil faster when the vessel is covered with a lid?
Why do doctors and nurses wear green gowns during an operation?
From where do we get the system of 60 minutes to an hour and 60 seconds to a minute?
Do other planets have day and night?
Why does the inside of an apple turn brown when cut open?
Why do your palms and feet get wrinkly when immersed in water?
Why does salt make you thirsty?
Why is snow white and ice transparent?
What is tear gas?
What determines the color and quality of fireworks?
In the word ‘cell-phone’, what does the word ‘cell’ denote?
Who got the first Nobel Prize in physics?
 How many metres make a light year?
Why do boats float higher in seas than in rivers?
How is the temperature of the Sun’s surface measured?
Why are handles on the door always at the edge?
Why do swimming pools smell of chlorine?
 Why does Salt work as a preservative?
What advantage does the frontal position of an owl’s eyes give it in hunting?
Why do we yawn?
Olympics in the moon!
Where does the Sun's energy come from?
Why is soap bubble always spherical in shape, even when using a square shaped bubbler?
Why are the Sun, Earth, Moon and most astronomical objects spherical?
What is the cause of thunder during a lightning strike?
Why does a CD look coloured?
What chemical makes chillies hot?
What is the chemical composition of tears?
Why does chopping onions make you cry?
What is chewing gum made of?
That is All