Showing posts from November, 2020Show all
Which is the hardest mineral in the body?
Why does a (magic) birthday candle come on again after it is blown off?
Why do bubbles come out of a soda bottle when opened?
Why does popcorn pop?
Why is the “dead sea” called dead?
Why do white clothes become dull in after repeated washing?
Why are the ventilators in a room located near the ceiling?
A blade of dry grass does not burn easily, but a bundle of dry grass does. Why?
How does a cricket (the insect) make a sound?
In which region of the world are white tigers found?
What is the function of a magnet in a speaker?
What is the alternative name for mercury?
Why is it that iron plates rust and crumble, whereas aluminium plates do not?
What is the substance that burns in a matchstick?
Why is DDT banned in most countries?
Name the two elements that are the most abundant in the human body. What are their percentage weights?
What is reverse osmosis?
Why does a wound itch when it is healing?
Why does the voice of a boy change at adolescence?
What causes acidity in the stomach?
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